Thursday, April 9, 2009

How Fast Time Flies!

Exactly 7 years ago, my eldest daughter, Clarise, was born. I can still remember how blessed I felt the very moment I saw her angelic face. I have loved her since she was conceived…and seeing her right before my eyes was truly a heartwarming moment! The day she was born was and will always be one of the happiest & most special days of my life. It gave my life a new meaning because I knew there and then that I will have the chance to experience the full essence of being a woman – to be a mother who’s strong, dependable, unconditionally loving, and responsible for someone else’s life.
When she hugged me this morning before she left for school, I realized how really fast time flies. It has been 7 years since I gave birth to Clarise. She has grown so much. She’s no longer a baby. Same with Cherlin. They are little girls now…growing daily in my arms. I must admit that there are times when I just don’t know how to accept their growth and their changes because there is a part of me that just wants to keep them cradled in my arms. I want to keep them as sweet and soft as I remember them as newborns. A part of me wants them to always be my babies…I don’t want them to outgrow the hugs & kisses that they willingly give me & Ryan...but I know that growing up is inevitable. And I must be honest in saying that no matter how much I want to embrace my girls’ baby days, I’m happy and relieved that they have grown and 1) changing diapers; 2) washing baby bottles, nipples, sippy cups & lids; 3) baby changing stations in public restrooms & 4) stains from milk, juice, baby food on my clothes are things of my past now. (^.^)
7 years have passed in Clarise’s life…3 ½ in Cherlin’s…but there are still more to come… and I just pray that God will give me the strength to always be by their side to guide them and be the best mother that I can be.
I always look forward to each day that I will spend with my daughters…and I will never stop doing thatl.
To my dearest Clarise, happy 7th birthday! You are so very loved and wished a world of joy and success!!!

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