Thursday, March 5, 2009


I've been a mother for almost 7 years now…and I may say that my girls brought a lot of changes within me as a person. The way I think and feel about life and the future is totally different now. It’s not just about me. My girls became my focus and admittedly, there are times when I can’t believe how much motherhood changed my priorities and interests! But honestly, I consider being a mother as the best thing that happened to me (aside from finding the most loving & loyal husband of course)! It taught me how to take pleasures in simple things…and that, I realized is something really awesome! Here are, in no particular order, some of the other most relevant things that being a mother has taught me…
1. God’s goodness can easily be seen in ordinary things like seeing your kids wake up healthy and happy each day.
2. Kids just know how to bring their parents on the verge of explosion so patience is the most effective tool every mother or parent needs.
3.Simple smiles, cuddles, hugs & kisses can be so precious! They truly can warm your heart and light up your day.
4.Being a mother doesn’t mean I can have control over everything. To guide rather than force is the best motherhood technique that every mother should master. I cannot make my children into children they are not. I can only help them be their best and be happy with what they’re doing and guide them in finding their way in the world.
5.You can be up all night with your sick child and still be able to deliver a good presentation to your boss, and still be at your best the whole day.
6. In the eyes of a child, walls are a great canvas for their artworks, so beware of permanent markers because they are really permanent! :-D
7. Having children will deepen you & your husband’s commitment to and for each other, because as parents, you will share everything about them. You could never look at your children without being grateful to your husband for helping you bring those wonderful children into this world!
8. To be a mother means being responsible for the life of another person and it truly is not easy but I believe it is the most rewarding job and I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
9. It’s only in having your own children that you will feel what your mother really felt years ago and everyday, you will realize that you’re like her in so many ways whether you enjoy the thought of it or not.
10. One of the qualities you would want to pass on to your children is self love and acceptance – to be able to do that, you must have it first. So acceptance of who you are as a person, a woman, a wife, a mother, a sister or a daughter is a must! You should be happy with who you are.
11. Nothing compares to the fulfillment you feel in seeing your children succeed in things they love doing and in knowing that they grow into values and morals that a parent can truly be proud of.
12. A mother spends so much time doing things for everyone else that sometimes, she forgets to do things for herself. The world will not end if you give yourself 15, 20, 30 minutes or even a couple of hours! Get a bubble bath, a facial, go tanning, go shopping, get a massage, paint your toenails…do whatever you enjoy doing! If you do not take the time to care for yourself you can't be effective in caring for anyone else.
13. Having children means not having a spotless home. Don’t be disappointed to see toys here and there - Kids should be allowed to play with their toys! If your children decide to write on the walls, don't fret. Once your children are grown up and out on their own, you will have plenty of time to clean and keep a perfect house.
14. You should embrace every moment in your kid’s life - they grow up way too fast. You only walk this road once and if you don't stop to enjoy the moment then you miss out on so much.The time you spend with your children playing, talking, reading is what will matter most to them. They will not care about your college degree, how many hours you spent at work, how you look, or how big of a house you live in. All they will care about is that you were there for them…you listened…you understood…and you loved them, their imperfections and all.

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